Wowza I need to make things

In my eternal wisdom I have put aside my main game project to work on this side thing instead! (twice now!)

Expect very slow updates! I am disabled & also kinda lazy, i work very slowly

Current plans;
PMD-esque game, roguelike/lite/who cares, lots of sick cool awesomesauce NPCs and village building, kind of stardew valley inspired too?
I do not yet have a name but i'm sure i'll get one.. someday

Devlog was made a little retroactively but;

✦ Day 1 - 7. July 2024

Wrote down most of my ideas & put together some concept art for npcs & the main character
Also played around a fair bit with the dungeon generation part of this project, arguably a very very important part of this, following an (older) tutorial got me most of the way there but I got stuck with the path carving, sadly, I'm not really big on the programming part of gamedev so i'll just leave that for later, for the time being
I also made a very very basic tilemap blockout of what will become the village area using free assets!

✦ Day 2 - 8. July 2024

Added a dialogue system plugin to my project, which will (I think) basically handle 100% of the dialogue in this game, which is very very lovely because there will be a lot
Wrote down lore & location & monster ideas and such, generally just fleshed out the world a little more and set a certain scope to it that i can and would like to expand upon later
Also, slowly started to work on my own tilemap to replace the free assets I used
Art will probably be the focus for a while because that's just the part im best at and it's nice to just.. have the assets you're going to use at least for the first little areas
The plan right now, I think is to just figure out the village area first (ie how 2 build stuff, day night cycle, potentially seasons cycle (which would make my life hell but it'd be so cool) and then move on to either other non-dungeon locations or figure out the dungeon gen while i'm doing that, like on the side, i reckon the path carving can't be too difficult because I 100% got the room generation down, but then after that i'll have to populate it and I have nooo idea how 2 do that lol

✦ Day 3 - 21. July 2024

I've not been entirely inactive on this the past couple weeks, but i haven't worked a toonn on anything to actually show up until now
I decided I want to work, at first, towards a little demo of sorts for the game, a little project that encompasses the whole game loop and is fun and relatively polished and has some basic enemies and a dungeon to explore and all that jazz, so i've been focusing on that for now, to later expand and make it cool and add new locations and stuff
Sadly for now this is going to be largely art, tilemaps & character sprites & enemy sprites and ui design and all that, so it's very possible that updates will be relatively slow

For now, I have decided I want the full game to have a time & seasons system, i am taking a fair bit of inspiration from harvest moon & stardew valley and the likes (like every other indie dev on the planet, i know), i'd like to have time based events (ie specific holidays) and also different enemies in dungeon depending on daytime! It's going to add a bit of work for me because I really really want to have seasonal differences in the tilemaps of the village at the very least,
In theory, this could also be used for puzzles kinda like how pkmn black and white did it, like fall adds a bunch of leaves to places and you could walk over them to reach places you maybe couldn't in spring? I'll ponder it, it probably won't be used for any major stuff but some little trinkets and secrets would be sick I think!
Anyways, case in point I have today finished (or at least finished a draft of) the UI for the little day/time counter, it'll just appear in the top left of the screen :) I'll probably add a smaller version and a bigger version depending on if the menu is popped up or not! UI design isn't my forte but it looks super fun and I can use my art for it so it makes me happby
The actual system for the time to count down is not implemented yet but I may be able to do that in a little bit? The seasons thing I haven't touched yet but I feel it won't be terribly hard.. probably

The current plans for the playable demo are;

✦ Finished Tilemap for the village, with a couple props
✦ Oryx Character Design & Portraits, or at least an early concept for them, ideally 2-3 portraits for the dialogue manager, but 1 is okay too
✦ Mousy & Oryx Overworld sprites
✦ Mousy Portraits for the Dialogue manager, 2-3 planned, 1 is okay too
✦ The First Dungeon, Inclduing a Finished Tilemap & One or two enemies to fight, currently planned to be the wolf and deer!
✦ Basic Inventory System, for picking things up, as well as 1 or 2 items in dungeons to pick up.

After that, or if I manage to somehow do these in between all that, these things would also be nice to have OR will be the focus once I have something half playable;
✦ A Levelling system? I may need to think about this, i'm not sure if levels are the thing I wanna go for but i really like them
✦ More portraits
✦ More dungeons, particularly the beach/descent from the mountain
✦ Add some non-dungeon areas like the proper beach shore & the bit further up from the village
✦ More NPCs, Ibex & Cow are highest priority right now! Adding them would also mean having to add new features like the map & building stuff (i dread the latter btw)
✦ etc etc i could go on, there's a lot to do

I am also working on getting a git repo up for this so I dont acidentally have any oopsies in the near future
Edit; Edited some of the sprites & added some placeholder ones, also added a pause menu w/ a working cursor! Doesn't do a whole lot yet but it exists for sure!

✦ Day 4 - 22. July 2024

Tried and failed miserably to get the time system to work and i am most likely redoing the cursor/inventory menu thing because it's very overcomplicated and I found a better way to do it that I understand more!
Kinda crashing from last night's productivity everything hurts oh god oh help, taking it really slow today!
Probably just gaming for the rest of the night and ocassionally doing some small stuff, maybe i'll finally sit my ass down and do the Oryx design and some character building, character sheet would be sick
I did figure out an inventory UI that doesn't take 5 billion nodes though i'm very happy about that, i just need to set up the new cursor (?) So maybe it works? Don't really know how to do this yet